List of Universities and colleges in Dodoma, Explore the comprehensive list of universities and colleges in Dodoma! Discover educational institutions offering diverse programs and degrees. Find the right fit for your academic journey and unlock new opportunities in Tanzania’s growing capital.
List of Universities and colleges in Dodoma
Dodoma region have many colleges and institutes offering quality education to the domestic and international students. There are many Diploma, certificate and Bachelor degree colleges in Dodoma region that are ranked amongst the overall top colleges in Tanzania. They produce knowledge, spread it, and transmit it to students through training and education.
Dodoma region has several institutions of higher education, which provide Diploma, certificate, undergraduate degrees and postgraduate courses in all the major arts, humanities, Health and allied sciences, science, engineering, law, Agriculture and veterinary science, Information and communications technology (ICT), education and teachers Training and business courses.
List of Universities and colleges in Dodoma
Administration, Business, Law, Planning, Social Work, Community Development, Tourism Institutions
- Tanzania Research and Career Development Institute (TRACDI)
- College of Business Education
- Institute of Rural Development Planning
- Local Government Training Institute Hombolo
- University of Dodoma (DM)
- St John’s University of Tanzania (SJ)
- Mtumba Teachers’ College
- Dodoma Media College
- Dodoma Institute of Development and Entrepreneurship
Health and Allied Sciences Institutions
- Janesa Institute of Health and Allied Sciences
- Dodoma Institute of Health and Allied Sciences
- Mvumi Institute of Health Sciences
- St John’s University of Tanzania (SJ)
- City College of Health and Allied Sciences, Dodoma Campus
- Decca College of Health and Allied Sciences
Agriculture, Livestock, Engineering, ICT, Computer Science Institutions
- Mvumi Institute of Health Sciences
- University of Dar Es Salaam Computing Centre
- St John’s University of Tanzania (SJ)
- Tanzania Research and Career Development Institute (Tracdi)
- Livestock Training Agency Mpwapwa Campus
- Capital Teachers College
- Visele Live-Crop Skills Training Centre
- College of Business Education
Teaching and Learning Facilitation Institutions
- Capital Teachers College
- Mpwapwa Teachers College
Universities and Higher learning Institutions
- College of Business Education (CBE) Dodoma
- Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP)
- St. John’s University of Tanzania (SJUT)
- University of Dodoma (UDOM)
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