List of Secondary Schools in Songwe Region 2024

Secondary Schools in Songwe,The Songwe region in Tanzania is home to a number of secondary schools that provide education to students from Form 1 to Form 6. These schools are owned by both the government and non-government entities, and offer both boarding and day school options. The region has a total of 112 secondary schools, with 26 of them being non-government owned.

The Tanzanian Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MoEST) is responsible for the management and oversight of secondary schools in the country. The MoEST ensures that all schools meet the necessary standards and provide quality education to students. In Songwe region, the MoEST works closely with school administrators and staff to ensure that students receive the best possible education.

Having access to a comprehensive list of secondary schools in Songwe region is important for parents and students who are looking to choose the best school for their needs. With a wide range of options available, it is important to research each school thoroughly to ensure that it meets the necessary standards and provides quality education.

Secondary Schools in Songwe

Songwe Region in Tanzania is home to a number of secondary schools that provide education to students from various backgrounds. These schools are owned by both the government and private entities, and they operate with the aim of providing quality education to students.

According to the latest available data, there are a total of 112 secondary schools in Songwe Region. Out of these, 86 are owned by the government while the remaining 26 are privately owned. The government-owned schools are further divided into those owned by the central government and those owned by the local government authorities.

The secondary schools in Songwe Region are spread across the various districts within the region. The number of schools in each district varies, with some districts having more schools than others. For example, Tunduma Town Council has 12 secondary schools while Kishapu District has only 1.

The curriculum in Songwe Region secondary schools is based on the Tanzanian education system, which is designed to provide students with a broad-based education that prepares them for further studies or employment. The curriculum includes subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies, languages, and vocational subjects.

In terms of academic performance, the schools in Songwe Region have been improving year on year. For instance, James Sangu Girls’ Secondary School, a private school in Songwe Region, has been recording good academic performance in recent years. The school’s vision is to become a leading and exemplary secondary school in teaching, producing dependable graduates, and implementing the national curriculum.

See also ;List of Secondary Schools in Mwanza Region 2024

List of Secondary Schools in Songwe

There are several government secondary schools in Songwe Region that offer education to students from different backgrounds. These schools are categorized into three groups: coeducational schools, girls’ secondary schools, and boys’ secondary schools.

School Name
Ifwenkenya Secondary School Ifwenkenya Songwe
Namkukwe Secondary School Namkukwe Songwe
Kilimampimbi Secondary School Kilimampimbi Mbozi
Ngulilo Secondary School Ngulilo Ileje
Namole Secondary School Chiwezi Tunduma Tc
Saza Secondary School Saza Songwe
Bupigu Secondary School Bupigu Ileje
Kapele Secondary School Kapele Momba
Totowe Secondary School Mpona Songwe
Ngulugulu Secondary School Ngulugulu Ileje
Isalalo Secondary School Isalalo Mbozi
Insani Secondary School Itaka Mbozi
Vwawa Secondary School Vwawa Mbozi
Ndugu Secondary School Hasamba Mbozi
Ileje Secondary School Itumba Ileje
Msankwi Secondary School Iyula Mbozi
Myovizi Secondary School Mahenje Mbozi
Chitete Secondary School Chitete Momba
Kanga Secondary School Kanga Songwe
Galula Secondary School Galula Songwe
Simbega Secondary School Iyula Mbozi
J.M. Kikwete Secondary School Sogea Tunduma Tc
Nambinzo Secondary School Nambinzo Mbozi
Isangu Secondary School Hasanga Mbozi
Mwl J.K. Nyerere Secondary School Chipaka Tunduma Tc
Mpakani Secondary School Chapwa Tunduma Tc
Maweni Secondary School Mkwajuni Songwe
Lumbila Secondary School Ruanda Mbozi
Lwati Secondary School Halungu Mbozi
Hampangala Secondary School Halungu Mbozi
Bara Secondary School Bara Mbozi
Mpemba Secondary School Mpemba Tunduma Tc
Iganya Secondary School Magamba Mbozi
Nalyelye Secondary School Mlowo Mbozi
Msia Secondary School Msia Mbozi
Idimi Secondary School Igamba Mbozi
Itaka Secondary School Bara Mbozi
Kafule Secondary School Kafule Ileje
Halungu Secondary School Halungu Mbozi
Mlowo Secondary School Mlowo Mbozi
Msangawale Secondary School Itaka Mbozi
Mlangali Secondary School Mlangali Mbozi
Igamba Secondary School Igamba Mbozi
Chikanamlilo Secondary School Ndalambo Momba
Mwagala- Chunya Secondary School Chang’Ombe Songwe
Kakoma Secondary School Chitete Ileje
Uwanda Secondary School Kamsamba Momba
Ihanda Secondary School Ihanda Mbozi
Itumba Secondary School Itumba Ileje
Ilolo Secondary School Ilolo Mbozi
Nkanga Secondary School Nambinzo Mbozi
Msense Secondary School Isansa Mbozi
Ikinga Secondary School Ikinga Ileje
Msangano Secondary School Msangano Momba
Nkangamo Secondary School Nkangamo Momba
Itepula Secondary School Igamba Mbozi
Ndola Secondary School Ndola Ileje
Ibaba Secondary School Ibaba Ileje
Isandula Secondary School Ukwile Mbozi
Itale Secondary School Itale Ileje
Momba Secondary School Myunga Momba
Mlale Secondary School Mlale Ileje
Hezya Secondary School Hezya Mbozi
Kapalala Secondary School Kapalala Songwe
Ivuna Secondary School Ivuna Momba
Nzovu Secondary School Iyula Mbozi
Shaji Secondary School Mlangali Mbozi
Shikula Secondary School Nanyala Mbozi
Shiwinga Secondary School Shiwinga Mbozi
Nanswilu Secondary School Ruanda Mbozi
Nakalulu Secondary School Isongole Ileje
Nyimbili Secondary School Nyimbili Mbozi
Ipunga Secondary School Ipunga Mbozi
Sange Secondary School Sange Ileje
Msomba Secondary School Malangali Ileje
Mbebe Secondary School Mbebe Ileje
Mkulwe Secondary School Mkulwe Momba
Luswisi Secondary School Luswisi Ileje
Iganduka Secondary School Msia Mbozi
Itumpi Secondary School Itumpi Mbozi
Steven Kibona Secondary School Kalembo Ileje
Lubanda Secondary School Lubanda Ileje
Gua Secondary School Gua Songwe
Nzoka Secondary School Nzoka Momba
Chapwa Secondary School Chapwa Tunduma Tc
Katete Secondary School Katete Tunduma Tc
Mkomba Secondary School Mkomba Momba
Sume Secondary School Mkwajuni Songwe
Kisimani Secondary School Mlowo Mbozi
Danida Secondary School Kaloleni Tunduma Tc
Naiputa Secondary School Nambinzo Mbozi
Chilulumo Secondary School Chilulumo Momba
Mwakakati Secondary School Mwakakati Tunduma Tc
Muungano -1 Secondary School Muungano Tunduma Tc
Majengo Mjini Secondary School Majengo Tunduma Tc
J. P. Magufuli Secondary School Shiwinga Mbozi

Coeducational Schools

The coeducational schools in Songwe Region are schools that admit both male and female students. These schools provide a conducive environment for students to learn and interact with one another. Some of the coeducational schools in Songwe Region include:

  • Songwe Secondary School
  • Mlowa Secondary School
  • Momba Secondary School

Girls’ Secondary Schools

The girls’ secondary schools in Songwe Region are schools that admit only female students. These schools provide a safe and supportive environment for girls to learn and grow. Some of the girls’ secondary schools in Songwe Region include:

  • Ulyankulu Girls Secondary School
  • Mwese Girls Secondary School
  • Kizumbi Girls Secondary School

Boys’ Secondary Schools

The boys’ secondary schools in Songwe Region are schools that admit only male students. These schools provide a supportive environment for boys to learn and grow academically and socially. Some of the boys’ secondary schools in Songwe Region include:

  • Mlowa Boys Secondary School
  • Momba Boys Secondary School
  • Kizumbi Boys Secondary School

Overall, the government secondary schools in Songwe Region provide quality education to students from different backgrounds. These schools are well-equipped with modern facilities and staffed with qualified teachers who are committed to providing quality education to their students.

Challenges Facing Secondary Schools in Songwe Region

Secondary schools in Songwe Region, located in the western part of Mainland Tanzania, are facing numerous challenges that are impacting the quality of education provided to students. One major issue is the lack of community involvement in academic-related activities. According to a study published in the International Journal of English and Literature Studies, there is no clear policy in place that ensures community participation in public secondary schools in the region. This lack of involvement can negatively impact the academic performance of students.

Another challenge facing secondary schools in Songwe Region is the high number of school dropouts. The regional commissioner has called for viable strategies to address this issue, which is a major concern for education officials. According to an article published on AllAfrica, the increasing number of school dropouts is a significant problem in the region, and district leaders have been tasked with developing effective solutions. The reasons for the high dropout rate are complex and varied, but it is clear that more needs to be done to keep students in school and ensure they receive a quality education.

In addition to these challenges, secondary school teachers in Songwe Region also face difficulties in executing their duties effectively. A qualitative case study published in the American Journal of Educational and Social Sciences identified several challenges faced by teachers, including a lack of resources, inadequate training, and low motivation. These factors can have a significant impact on the quality of education provided to students and must be addressed in order to improve the overall performance of secondary schools in the region.



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