Kwani Jux hapa ni kitu gani kilimferisha, Baada ya Juma Mussa ‘Jux’ kuachana na Vanessa Mdee aliingia kwenye mahusiano na Nayika Thongom, raia wa Thailand, ambapo mahusiano hayo hayakumaliza hata miezi sita waliachana. Inaaminika ndo mwanamke mrembo zaidi ambaye jux alishawai kudate nao.
Je mwanetu jux alifeli nini kushindwa kupata hata mbegu ya mtoto kwa mrembo huyu?
stories what happened to juma jux
After Juma Mussa ‘Jux’ broke up with Vanessa Mdee, he entered into a relationship with Nayika Thongom, a Thai citizen, where the relationship did not end even after six months. She is believed to be the most beautiful woman that Jux has ever dated.
What did our son Jux fail to achieve by not even getting a child from this beauty?