Kozi Zenye Kipaombele Kupata Mkopo HESLB 2024/2025

Mkopo HESLB,The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) is a government institution that provides loans and grants to Tanzanian students who are pursuing higher education. The loans and grants are intended to help students pay for tuition fees, accommodation, and other expenses related to their studies. However, not all courses are treated equally when it comes to loan allocation. Some courses are given high priority over others.

For the academic year 2024/2025, HESLB has identified certain courses that will be given high priority in loan allocation. These courses have been selected based on their relevance to the development of the country and the demand for skilled professionals in those fields. Students who are pursuing these courses are more likely to receive loans and grants from HESLB compared to those who are pursuing courses that are not on the priority list. It is important for students to be aware of the priority courses so that they can make informed decisions when choosing their courses of study.

Kozi Zenye Kipaumbele Kupata Mkopo HESLB

The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) in Tanzania prioritizes certain courses in the issuance of loans to students. The prioritization is based on a set of criteria that include the level of need, course demand, and the impact on national development. HESLB provides loans to students pursuing higher education in both public and private institutions in Tanzania.

The prioritization of courses is aimed at ensuring that students in courses that have a high impact on national development are given priority in the allocation of loans. This is because such courses are considered critical to the country’s social and economic development.

HESLB also prioritizes students who come from underprivileged backgrounds, those with disabilities, and those who are orphans. This is in line with the government’s efforts to promote equity in access to higher education.

A:(Health & Allied Sciences)
(i) ‘Clinical Dentistry’;
(ii) ‘Diagnostic Radiotherapy’;
(iii) ‘Occupational Therapy’;
(iv) ‘Physiotherapy’;
(v) ‘Clinical optometry’;
(vi) ‘Dental Laboratory technology’;
(vii) ‘Orthotics & Prosthetics’;
(viii) ‘Health record & information; and
(ix) ‘Electrical and Biomedical Engineering’.

B:(Education and Teaching)
(i) Diploma in Education (Physics and Mathematics); and
(ii) Diploma in Teaching (Technical and Vocational Education).

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C:(‘Transport and Logistics’)

(i) ‘Aircraft Mechanics’;
(ii) ‘Shipbuilding and repair’;
(iii) ‘Railway construction and maintenance; and
(iv) ‘Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

 D:(‘Energy Engineering’)
(i) ‘Renewable Energy Engineering (Hydro, Wind, Solar)’; and
(ii) ‘Pipeline, Oil and Gas Engineering’.

 E:(‘Mining and Earth Science’)
(i) ‘Lapidary and Jewelry’; and
(ii) ‘Mineral Processing’.

F:(‘Agriculture and Livestock)

(i) ‘Leather Technology’;
(ii) ‘Food Technology and Human Nutrition’;
(iii) ‘Sugar Production Technology’;
(iv) ‘Veterinary Laboratory Technology’;
(v) ‘Horticulture’;
(vi) ‘Irrigation Engineering’; and
(vii) ‘Agro Mechanization’

What Determines HESLB Loan Priorities 2024-2025?

HESLB doesn’t just pick courses randomly. There are several important things they consider when deciding which courses will be a priority for loans.

  1. Government Plans: The government has big plans for how it wants the country to grow and develop. HESLB supports these plans by giving priority to courses that will help the country reach its goals. For example, if the government wants to improve healthcare, they might prioritize courses like nursing or medicine.
  2. Job Market: HESLB also looks at what kinds of jobs are in high demand. They want to make sure that students are studying things that will help them find good jobs after they graduate. So, courses that lead to jobs that are needed in the country are more likely to be a priority for loans.
  3. Skills Shortage: Sometimes, there are certain skills that the country needs more of. This could be anything from engineers to teachers to scientists. HESLB tries to fill these gaps by prioritizing courses that teach these important skills.
  4. Quality of  Education: HESLB wants to make sure that students are getting a good  education. So, they are more likely to give loans to courses that are taught at high-quality schools and universities. This means that the courses are accredited and meet certain standards.

HESLB loan priorities for the 2024/2025 academic year are carefully structured to align with Tanzania’s national development goals. These priorities are divided into three main clusters, each focusing on different sectors crucial for the country’s growth and progress.

The HESLB programme clusters

Cluster One emphasizes courses that directly contribute to building the nation’s foundation, such as  education, health  sciences, engineering, agriculture, and ICT.

  •  Education: Teaching  science subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, math) and technical skills are crucial for creating a knowledgeable workforce.
  • Health  Sciences: Doctors, nurses, dentists, and other healthcare professionals are essential for a healthy population. Programs like medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and laboratory sciences are highly valued.
  • Engineering and Technology: Engineers and technicians build infrastructure, develop industries, and drive innovation. Civil, mechanical, electrical, mining, and various other engineering fields are in high demand.
  • Agriculture and Food: Agriculture is the backbone of Tanzania’s economy. Courses in agriculture, forestry, and food processing ensure food security and sustainable practices.
  • ICT and Data: Information and communication technology (ICT) and data  science skills are essential for the digital age. Programs in programming, information systems, and data  science are given priority.

Cluster Two

Cluster Two focuses on fields that deepen understanding of the natural and built environment, including basic  sciences and land valuation studies.

  • Basic  Sciences: Studying subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental science helps us understand the natural world and address challenges like climate change and conservation.
  • Land and Valuation  Sciences: Architects, urban planners, and land surveyors design and manage the spaces we live in. These fields are important for sustainable urban development and efficient land use.

Cluster Three

Cluster Three encompasses a broader range of disciplines like humanities, business management, and social  sciences, which are essential for societal well-being and cultural enrichment.

  • Business and Management: Accountants, marketers, economists, and managers are needed to run businesses and organizations effectively.
  • Social Sciences: Fields like sociology, political  science, and development studies help us understand society, address social issues, and promote well-being.
  • Humanities: Subjects like arts, music, literature, and languages enrich our culture and contribute to a well-rounded  education.

important to note that HESLB periodically reviews and updates these program clusters to align with the changing needs of the country’s development priorities.



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